Custom Work

Postmarks For Local Landmarks
Your Shop As A Postmark
Postmarks For Boutique Accommodation
Notebooks For Weddings, Events, & Business Branding


Custom-designed Postmarks to celebrate your local sights.

Our Postmarks collection began with a scene that was near to our hearts – the iconic Launceston GPO clock tower, where the much-loved town bells ring every hour (and have done for over 100 years). It was a little love letter to the town that had fast become home.

There are special places all over Tasmania, and Australia, like this. Corners of cities and towns that mean something special to locals and visitors, and pockets of wilderness that our hearts long to visit again. Our Postmarks collection gathers these special places up, and it’s growing ever larger.


For local landmarks. 

If you’d like a Postmark of your town or local landmark for your shop, get in touch and let’s talk about it! We’ll design a non-exclusive local edition of our Postmark items, as long as the minimum custom order quantity is met for the initial order. After, the Postmark will join our wholesale catalogue and you can reorder as you please!


Your shop as a Postmark.

Do you own a cute store you’re super proud of? Or a shop in an iconic building or street? We’ll make a custom Postmark design for your shop, exclusive for you. Minimum order amounts apply. Get in touch and let’s chat!


Postmarks for boutique accomodation

A notebook is a perfect gift for a welcome basket – ready to fill with snippets of holiday moments! Choose an existing Postmark of a local landmark, or make a memorable souvenir with a custom design of your beautiful accomodation.

Or gift a few custom illustrated postcards to your guests, so they can write to their loved ones and share the love for your hotel or BnB.

Design fees and/or MOQs apply for custom illustration. Send us a note and we’ll be in touch!


Notebooks For Weddings, Events, & Business Branding

Our classic-style exercise book-inspired A5 notebook is perfect for simple customisation. We can customise the title to suit your business, event, or shop, and whip up a simple icon to crown the front.

For orders over 50 pieces, no design & setup fees apply. For orders under 50 pieces, a design & setup fee of $80 applies. Wholesale pricing is available.


If you'd like to order a one-off, or just a few copies, check out our Choose-Your-Own-Title Custom A5 Notebook. 


To get in touch email us or find our contact form on our Contact page.